Finding health through lifestyle changes

Finding health through lifestyle changes after decades of bad habits is not easy. Generally, for a 60 year old, I’m in pretty good health. My big issue is high cholesterol and needing to get some weight off my me (and my knees).

I’m investigating options. I’m leaning towards plant-based, whole foods. I’ve given up beef and most pork (still love bacon). I’ve limited chicken to rarely but not ready to give up seafood. Giving up or cutting back the sugar habit I think is going to be the hardest part. I may have to give up coffee cause I only really like it with cream and sugar and I think that’s what gets the sugar craving started every day.

I do well most of the day but evenings and social gatherings sabotage me all the time. Is it that willpower gets tired? The social aspect of fitting in with friends? Watching TV? Not enough crafting time to distract me from food?

Thoughts or suggestions anyone?

Starting anew when you’re already over 60

I’ve started life over several times in my life.  First in my late teens when my High School sweetheart died.  Then in my late twenties with 2 toddlers after an 8-year marriage. Again, in my early 30’s when I remarried, acquired two children and had another one 10 months later (total of 5 kids).  Still again in my early-fifties as an empty nester after 21 years of marriage.  And this last time 6 years ago when I moved from Washington State to Maryland.   

I think it’s harder when you’re older.  Leaving my kids and grandkids on the other side of the country.  Leaving friends and familiar scenery.  Trying to make new friends in a new state at a new job is overwhelming.  So, this blog is about finding my way.  Finding a new purpose for me now that I’m done raising children.  Discovering myself, finding a way to get healthy, creating a new network, and finding peace of mind.